Stand Strong
The Egyptians were about to overtake the fleeing Isaelites. They were panicing. They cried out to God. "Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us in Egypt? What have you done to us? Why did you make us leave Egypt? 12 Didn’t we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt? We said, ‘Leave us alone! Let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!’” Exodus 14
This scripture and story really speaks to me tonight. The Lord has led me on such a wonderful exodus leading away from slavery and toward a new healthy life. However, there are times during the day that I feel like a walking corpse. I am so used to being a slave to my food addiction, to numbing out the pain by eating those foods that pacify my fears ~ even for a short time. So I have taken steps away from that old life and I am doing very well with eating the right foods. I am eating healthier than I have my whole life! Why do I still feel like a corpse walking through a place that is strange and desolate to me? I find myself wanting to go back to what is familiar and safe. The urge to get in the car and drive to Sonic or Braums is overwhelming. I feel like a battle is raging as the cravings continue to beat down my resolve. Like the Israelites I need a reminder:
“Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. 14 The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
What does this have to do with me today? I am reminded that fear of new things is just a human condition; that I am not alone. Also, if I will stand still and stand strong, the Lord will rescue me. I just have to look toward His direction to find the way through the battle. Another promise that I see in these verses: God will fight for me if I just stay calm. So I will continue forward, one step at a time, one diet journal entry at a time. I will try not to beat myself up when I feel overwhelmed by temptations.
I will try to remember to: "Just stay calm"
Dear Lord,
Please help me on my path toward healing. My need for comfort food is overwhelming tonight. Please help me to stand strong and stay calm. Please take over this battle that is waging in my mind and body. Lord, I desperately need you to fight for me tonight. Rescue me from petty worries and concerns. Thank you for the glory of your salvation and grace. In Christ's name I pray, Amen.

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