"Fear the Lord your God and serve him. Hold fast to him...". Deuteronomy 10:20

"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." Ecclesiastes 11:5
Have you ever heard the question “Are you in the center of God’s will?” Well, I am a highly emotional person trying to find God’s will through studying the Word and prayer. Trying to find what the center of God’s will for me is, well, all the evaluating, and analyzing of that topic would be too much for my brain to handle!
Below is a link to a film clip on Blue Fish TV. (You do not have to purchase any of the clips on Blue Fish and they are free to email or share with others.) This video clip by Louie Giglio helped me focus on what truly matters: Honoring God and keeping my eyes glued on Him.
What I learned from this video clip:
>If you want to end up in heaven, keep your eyes on God.
>“God will guide us with His eye upon us.” (can’t find the verse)
>If my eyes are locked onto God’s eyes, and His are locked onto me – I will make the journey to the goal and will hardly notice the pains and trials that are along the way.
>When trying to make life’s decisions, sometimes I need to be less analytical and just move forward; with my eyes on God, having faith that He will get me to the right place and guide me in the best direction.
>Within the parameters of obeying the word of God and following the will of God - if I keep my eyes on God: all the decisions and stresses of my everyday life should fall away and I don’t have to sit and worry if I am making the right choice. After all, how can you make the wrong choice if, with your whole heart, all you want to do is honor God?
Dear Lord, thank you God for your mercies and blessings. Many people are suffering and wondering what they should do. Help them to know that Your eye is on them and You will not let go of them. Lord, thank you for the rain! The drought here in Texas has been so bad that many have questioned their faith in You and, as their livelihood has been stripped away, they are wondering what their next step in life should be. Lord help us all keep our eyes on You through the sorrows and the joys of life. You alone are holy! Your gift of a Savior who gives living water is all I need, all the world realy needs. Through His name I pray this prayer, Amen
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