Sometimes it seems to me that people are running around pretending to be something else or someone else. Sometimes this can be done in fun almost like playing "dress up". However, spending huge amounts of money and time pretending to be someone else or a perfect version of oneself leads to chaos and disaster.
In Genesis 20 there is an example of Abraham, the “Father of the Faithful” messing up big time. He lied and told others that his wife was his sister. One of the great heroes of faith had huge moments of spiritual failure. Paul wrote of Abraham's godliness and obedience in Hebrews 11 but in Genesis 20 he is caught in sin.
The good news that I get from this story tonight is: Perfection is not a prerequisite for God working in my life. Perfection comes at the end, when I finally will be given a new body. Being perfect is not even in the equation when it comes to how God views me tonight. What a relief that is!God will not abandon me when I fall. He will hear my prayers as He heard Abraham’s prayers. This is good news!
“He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs. As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who fear him. And as far as sunrise is from sunset, he has separated us from our sins.” Psalm 103:10-12 (The Message Version)
Gracious Father, I know that I have failed You so often in my walk as a Christian. I tried so hard to make my family love me but nothing I did was enough. Lord, I turned to food because I thought I could control that one thing. I was so mistaken. Lord help me to remember that it is the direction of my life and not the perfection of my life that is important in Your eyes. Oh, God thank you for not giving up on me. It is through Christ, my Redeemer’s name, I pray tonight for Your blessings and guidance, Amen.
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