Magnify Christ
Someone once said: "There is no way of telling the amount of good we could do if we didn't care who gets the credit."
Someone once said: "There is no way of telling the amount of good we could do if we didn't care who gets the credit."
The movies, TV shows, and the world in general is a competitive battle ground. People "take sides" about every issue and the competitive spirit is honored and encouraged beginning with toddlers and pre-schoolers.
I just remembered this morning something someone said at Saturday's OA meeting. One of the leaders talked about her first day at a meeting. She noticed several "heavy" members. When one obese person began to share and indicated that she had been able to control her compulsive eating for several months, surprise set in because the new member (now a leader) did not feel like she could control herself for one day, when she first started!
It is human nature to compare ourselves to be competitive. At most weight loss clinics pictures and pounds lost are posted, with the "biggest loser" for the week spotlighted. I have been down that road so many times. I have found that, if my motivation comes from a competitive spirit - my weight loss will fail in the end. One of the winners of "The Biggest Loser" gained back almost 200 pounds! Why? Because competition is not a lasting motivator or is a "beat others" attitude the answer to filling the void in someone's life. "Self-esteem" or self motivation did not work for me - I have CD's, books, and know Zig Zigler by heart and it all seemed like a lie unless it was God getting ALL the glory.
It is human nature to compare ourselves to be competitive. At most weight loss clinics pictures and pounds lost are posted, with the "biggest loser" for the week spotlighted. I have been down that road so many times. I have found that, if my motivation comes from a competitive spirit - my weight loss will fail in the end. One of the winners of "The Biggest Loser" gained back almost 200 pounds! Why? Because competition is not a lasting motivator or is a "beat others" attitude the answer to filling the void in someone's life. "Self-esteem" or self motivation did not work for me - I have CD's, books, and know Zig Zigler by heart and it all seemed like a lie unless it was God getting ALL the glory.
Someone asked me why I don't put my name in this blog, post the pictures of my weightloss. The purpose of this blog is to document my search. I am writing down my journey to the wellspring that quenches my thirst, the only place where my hunger can be filled. I want to come back to each post and relive that moment of inspiration from God and how it helped me. Even though I am placing personal thoughts and experiences down - they are flawed, inconsistent ramblings of someone searching for a daily answer; the desperate search of a compulsive overeater to fill the void. Anytime I place my picture, displaying my weightloss progress, up for people to see - it is followed by a spell of overeating. That is because all glory, all honor has to be Christ's - not mine.
Over and over again throughout the Bible - God gets the glory - not people.
2 Peter 3:18, "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!"
God and Christ got the glory - not people, not Christians. I am just a "cracked, dirty pot" that has been cleansed. Anything that is good that I do, any success - is Christ in me. That is hard to remember when the world has an "us versus they" attitude.
So I go back to the scriptures to help me fight the influence of the world. Romans 15 Paul talks about success in bringing the Word of God to unbelievers: "Looking back over what has been accomplished and what I have observed, I must say I am most pleased—in the context of Jesus, I'd even say proud, but only in that context. I have no interest in giving you a chatty account of my adventures, only the wondrously powerful and transformingly present words and deeds of Christ in me that triggered a believing response among the outsiders." (The Message)
So that is the answer to weight loss .... the "powerful and transformingly present words and deeds of Christ" working in the soul of believers.
The words and deeds of Christ magnified in me = the only success that has meaning or substance. Everything else leaves a void and that leads to more uncontrollable hunger and thirst.

Dear Lord, help me today to be encouraged by the zeal and success in others. Transform my competitive spirit, my inclination to outdo others. Help me to focus on the power of true success ~ Christ in me. Transform me today and everyday and may any success magnify God's glory and diminish my part, my efforts. I am just an earthen vessel begging to be filled with Your power. I don't deserve Your love and mercy. I do want to lose weight so much but I keep trying to do it to please others or myself. I know that is the way of failure. I can only succeed with Your help and if it is Your will for me on this earth. Help me to be open to other people you send into my life. If OA is where you want me to be, please clear a path through my fears of new things. It is in the name of Your glorious Son that I come to you today in prayer, Amen.
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