God in Control
"God is in Control", a book and study guide by Dean Hagler has given me several days of deep study. The following is taken from his book and study guide:
The Godhead (God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit) was the only force in the beginning and it will be the only force at Judgement or the end (Rev.23:13). Hagler states that there are certain principles in the word of God that must guide our lives. If I deny one of these principle or truths, then I forfeit or block God as the "driver" and I leave my role as passenger and take control. I think I have the "right of way", the "right take" on the scriptures, the "right" way to do things. I listen to others or follow family traditions instead of just listening to God's written word... .... .... ... ...
Well, I don't want to block God's controll in my life. So here goes! I am just going to list these scriptures and pray over them - because without God being in control of my life - I know I will be lost! For my benefit, as a reminder to myself - I am listing the scriptures in one place so that I can come back to them in times of need - and study them once again:
- God is the creator of life and He has all rights in regard to what He has created (Gen. 1:1 and following)
- God created man special and created man in His image or likeness (Gen. 2:7).
- We can relate to God. We are like Him morally and spiritually. (Gen. 1:27 & Gen.2:8)
- God is active in the lives of men (Gen. 12:1-4; Rom. 8:28). He intends for things to work for the ultimate good of those who love Him (Gen. 50:19-20).
- God has a plan for us and has given man direction from the beginning. His plan has different stages. (Gen. 2:15-17).
- We are responsible for our own actions. God punishes the sinner. (Ezekiel 18:20)
- God sent His son to pay for our sins. (John 1:1-14). This has always been His plan. (Gen. 3:15; 12:3; Galatians 3:8)
- All men have sinned and must turn their life around (Romans 3:23). As none of us is righteous, holy, or pure, we must accept God's righteousness (Gal. 3:10-14).
- God has provided His Spirit as a helper to those that are baptized in His Son's name (Acts 2:38; I Cor. 3:16)
So do I believe all of these scriptures? Do I accept them? Some are easier then others. Number 8 gives me trouble. I look at all the good I have done, at how far I have come....Sometimes I think I'm OK - yeah - I'm fine - I don't really need saving... then the hunger becomes compulsive again and I fail miserably! So once again, I ask God to take control and beg for help.
Number 9 is not easy either. Is baptism really needed? What if there is no water? But the Lord provided water to Philip and Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8). They went "down into the water". Water? They were traveling the desert road. The words here indicates there was no dipping, sprinkling, - there is no evidence of those kinds of traditions found in the original Greek words that mean "down into the water - or a covering of water". So many people stop at faith only and just don't "do" the baptism thing. Good friends of mine follow their tradition because that is what has been done for years and years. Has their denominations morphed the scriptures? Is baptism the exact point of contact with the blood of the Lamb? Is baptism the beginning of our new life as Christians, our new walk with Christ? (Rom. 6:3-11)
But how can I believe that others who believe in the Lord are not cleansed by his blood and forgiven? ~ How can I believe that millions of believers ~ those who have yet to be baptised but believe in the Lord Jesus Christ - are not yet in contact with His healing, cleansing blood? I am so relieved that I am not the Judge of this world. I rely on God and thank Him for all those who love Him and are trying day by day to follow His will.So today I look at the scriptures again, sigh and cry, and pray for understanding. As for me, right now ~ I am not in control of the Lord's word, or how it is interpreted by others. All I can do is pray for others to let God be in control of their own lives and their own salvation. I pray, like Paul, that everyone might "continue to work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling." Phil. 2:12
I still have a great deal of studying to do on this "list". I do know that I am responsible for my life and my sins. I cannot control others and I am commanded by Christ to not judge others. (Matt. 7:1-2, Luke 6:37) - I want God to be in control of my life. I know I have free will and that I will fail often. As a christian, I believe that Christ's blood continually cleanses me if I continue to walk in the light of God's word. (1 John 1:7)
Lord God, help me and guide me always. Without your control in my life, I would be adrift in a sea of sin and failure. Fill me with your love. Help me to trust you only and not trust in my own understanding of your word and your plan for my life. Let your light and your words guide my life. Please help me to not judge others but to show them the way to Your word so that You can bring them light and life eternal. In Jesus name, Amen.
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