God gave me a victory Sunday at the potluck dinner and then the battle intensified. Yes, dreams of all the desserts that I passed up woke me in the middle of the night! Satan just can’t stand for us to walk in the light or for God to be victorious.
Certain foods have a hold over me – they have names and they are everywhere; on TV, made into singing Christmas toys, there was even a dog toy in the shape of a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup! Sometimes it seems that these foods call my name. I quickly roll past the candy aisle in the store only to see the orange wrappers by the register. “One piece won’t hurt”….
Debbie Danowski has a small section in her book, The Emotional Eater's Book of Inspiration: 90 Truths You Need to Know to Overcome Your Food Addiction. It is called: "If food calls your name, you don’t have to answer". Here is the crux of this “truth” from her book:
“Despite what we may think, food CANNOT speak to us. It does not breathe. It is not living and we cannot hurt its feelings if we don't eat it. These are just excuses that we use to overeat.By giving human characteristics to food we create a relationship with an object. Once we create this relationship we become emotionally attached to it. This allows us to manufacture situations that make it nearly impossible for us to resist overeating. In a sense, we are using food to replace the human relationships that involve the person who once served them to us..”
We have an amazing God who planned our salvation from the time food "called" Eve's name. That story did not end well! Satan was behind it then, as he is now - when I am tempted. Debbie's book is great but here is "the rest of the story" ....
“Since the children are made of flesh and blood, it's logical that the Savior took on flesh and blood in order to rescue them by his death. By embracing death, taking it into himself, he destroyed the Devil's hold on death and freed all who cower through life, scared to death of death. It's obvious, of course, that he didn't go to all this trouble for angels. It was for people like us, children of Abraham. That's why he had to enter into every detail of human life. Then, when he came before God as high priest to get rid of the people's sins, he would have already experienced it all himself—all the pain, all the testing—and would be able to help where help was needed." Hebrews 2:14-18
Lord God Almighty, You are worthy to be praised! Help me to remember that my High Priest is ever interceding for me when I am tempted. To say "Thank You" for this sacrifice is not enough. With every test that Satan puts in my way, help me to remember the nail-scarred hands of my Savior. Instead of letting Satan’s voices dwell in my life, help me to be a voice that rings loudly with the Gospel’s message of victory. In Christ’s name, Amen.
lifehouse skit from youthpastorg on GodTube.
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