It seems like every where I look, every book I read, every commercial on TV is about home and family. With my father's resent death, I have been crying a great deal. My sister called this evening after nine and got me thinking about family again. I am blessed to have an older sister who is wise and kind. She was one of the only people in my past that really held me. She would sing me to sleep and had the kindest heart. I am thankful for those good memories. As a military child, home was wherever we lived at the moment. I have lived in over 54 different "homes" or apartments, houses, trailers, etc. One scripture came to mind tonight and was helpful:
Psalm 68:6 "God sets the desolate in a homeland, He leads forth prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land." There are so many places in on this earth that have little rain and are in a massive draught. In my healing, it is God who will bring the rain to my scorched heart. In this journey toward health and healing, I must remember that God is the one that will set things right and provide a home for me. The chains of fear and the memories that have held me captive for so long need to be viewed with the light of love and forgiveness. Without God's help and grace, I know that I will be lost in a world of anger and frustration. The hatred builds with every memory uncovered of my abuse - with every hurtful word said about my young body and my weight. These searing words form my body image - an image that I find hard to look at and I have been unable to change for over 50 years. If I am to change at all - I must have help! I have tried to do this on my own. I have tried therapy alone. I need God's Love applied to my daily life to be free of my past, my memories, ~ free from these chains of pain that hold me down and keep me from living and breathing. Isaiah 42:6,7 "I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open the eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from dungeon those who sit in darkness." This scripture is about Jesus coming and leading all souls from the darkness of sin into the light of forgiveness and freedom.
Jeremiah 31:13 "...women will dance with joy, and the men - old and young - will join in the celebration. I will turn their mourning into joy. I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing."
The song below is one of my favorite songs. With two knees replaced, a hip replacement, a crippled back and a broken femur ~ I haven't walked much in the last few years ~ let alone dance. For right now, I will be happy with my spirit being set free from fears and the chains or shackles of dark memories falling off my spiritual legs so that I can move forward. That is my prayer.
Lord, help me to be free of sin and it's burden on my soul and life. I can't do this on my own because every time I think of my past - I become lost in anger and depression. Bring me into the light of Your salvation through Your Son's sacrifice and gift of love. Lord until the day when I can spend eternity singing Your praise, help me to sing your praise here on earth ~ weightless, free, and unchained. In my Savior's name I pray ~ Amen
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